Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Plant Kingdom Classification

The 05 Kingdom system of classification

American Plant Biologist RH Whittaker in 1969 suggested the 05 kingdom classification of entire living world.

These are :
1) Monera
2) Protista
3) Fungi
4) Plantae
5) Animalia

Kingdom Monera 

1) It consists of unicellular organisms.
2) Organisms do not have well defined Nucleus
3) The cells have outer covering called Cell Walls
4) Some organisms are autotrophic like Blue-Green algae while some are hetrotrophic like Bacteria.

Bacteria can be of 03 different shapes

a) Spherical (Cocci)
b) Rod Like (Bacilli)
c) Sprial Shaped (Spirilla)

Examples are Strepto, Coccus and Ecoli

Kingdom Protesta

1) Organisms are unicellular.
2) Organisms have well defined Nucleus
3) They may be plant like. e.g. Euglena, Diatoms
4) They may be animal like e.g. Amoeba, Paramecium
5) Animal like Protists are called Protozoa

Kingdom Fungi

1) Organisms can be unicellular and multicellular.
2) They are heteriotrophic in nature.
3) The cells have a cell wall.
4) Some fungi are parasitic ( that is they obtain their food from other living organisms )
5) Some fungi are saprophtic ( that is they obtain theri food from dead and decaying  organisms )
6) They reproduce by spore formation, budding and fragmentation
7) They grow best where warmth and moisture are available
Examples are Moulds , Yeast and Mushroom

Kingdom Plantae

1) It consists of all multicellular green plants
2) They are autotrophic in nature.
3) Their cells have cell wall around them.
4)They are found on land, sea, lakes and streams
Examples are Mango Tree, Rose Plant , Grass etc

Kingdom Animalia or Animalae

1) It consists of all multicellular organisms
2) They are hetrotrophic in nature.
3) Their cells do not have cell wall around them.
4)They can be further divided into invertebrates and vertebrates
Examples are Hummingbird, Snake and Earthworm

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