The process of digestion of food begins in the mouth and is completed in small intestine.
Food in Mouth - In mouth starch is digested with the help of enzyme salivary amylase present in the saliva.
Starch Salivary amylase Maltose
Food in phayrx and esophagus - No chemical digestion takes place in Pharyx and Esophagus.
Food in Stomch - Inside the stomach, food mixes with gastric juices which contain hydrochloric acid. Gastric juice kills bacteria and help in digestion of proteins with the help of 02 enzymes commonly known as Pepsin and Renin.
1) Pepsin acts on proteins and changes them to smaller molecules.
Protein Pepsin Proteoses + Peptones
2) Renin acts on milk protein casein and changes it to insoluble curd ( paracasein)
Casein Renin Paracasein
Food in form of thick paste leaves stomach and moves to small intestine. This paste in called Chyme.
Food in Mouth - In mouth starch is digested with the help of enzyme salivary amylase present in the saliva.
Starch Salivary amylase Maltose
Food in phayrx and esophagus - No chemical digestion takes place in Pharyx and Esophagus.
Food in Stomch - Inside the stomach, food mixes with gastric juices which contain hydrochloric acid. Gastric juice kills bacteria and help in digestion of proteins with the help of 02 enzymes commonly known as Pepsin and Renin.
1) Pepsin acts on proteins and changes them to smaller molecules.
Protein Pepsin Proteoses + Peptones
2) Renin acts on milk protein casein and changes it to insoluble curd ( paracasein)
Casein Renin Paracasein
Food in form of thick paste leaves stomach and moves to small intestine. This paste in called Chyme.
Small intestine has 3 parts which are termed as duodenum, jejunum and ileum.
Duodenum : This part receives pancreatic juice from pancreas and bile from gall bladder.
Bile actually helps in breaking down the fats into tiny droplets.
It provides alkaline medium for action of enzymes.
Pancreatic Juice : It contains enzyme Trypsin and Lipase.
Trypsin : It acts on proteins proteoses and peptones and changes them to polypeptides
Proteins, proteoses and peptones Trypsin Polypeptides
Lipase acts on fats and change them to fatty acids and glycerol.
Fats lipase fatty acids and glycerol
No chemical digestion takes place in Jejunum.
Ileum : In ileum following enzymes are present.
1) Erpsin
Peptones + Peptides erpsin amino acids
2) Maltase
Maltose maltase glucose
3) Sucrase
Sucros sucrase glucose + fructose
4) Lactase
lactese lactase glucose + galactose
Digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in completed in small intestine and they are absorbed in blood stream.
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